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    Charleston, SC � July 10, 2003 � New ARG Survey Indicates a Big Back-to-School Season

    Who: Acclaimed consumer researcher Britt Beemer of America�s Research Group

    What: New survey of 1,000 people

    When: Survey released July 10, 2003

    • A new national survey shows that consumers plan to spend 10% more on back-to-school items over last year -- �and this is before they receive their tax refund checks,� Beemer notes.
    • The number of respondents who said they plan to spend between $401-$500 doubled from last year.
    • Though planning to spend more, consumers say they will visit fewer stores. More than half said they will only shop at two stores. Wal-Mart, Sears and JCPenney remain the top 3.
    • Entertainment marketers need to do more to reach kids, according to Beemer. When asked open-ended questions about what licensed characters their children are asking for this year, the vast majority said none. The names Nemo and Hulk were not mentioned.

    For the complete survey or to interview Britt Beemer, contact:
    Pfund + Fleck, 212.481.7900

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