C. Britt Beemer, Chairman
America's Research Group, Ltd. (ARG)
Britt Beemer holds a BA from Northwest Missouri State University and has a MA from Indiana State University. He worked for Congressman Bill Scherle (R-IA) from 1966-1974. After his work with Congressman Scherle, he was a senior research analyst for the Heritage Foundation. He then began to manage and conduct fourteen senatorial campaigns, which included exacting research and demanding strategic planning.
In 1979, Beemer founded America�s Research Group, a full-service consumer behavior research and strategic marketing firm.
Recognized nationally as a premier marketing strategist, Britt Beemer has gained wide acclaim for his work on how, when and why consumers select their products and services. His client list represents America�s top retailers, leading brands and smaller entrepreneurial companies which need marketing direction and long term strategic planning.
Beemer has spoken on numerous programs for major industry and trade groups and continues to lecture in seminars and workshops. America�s Research Group conducts annual client conferences designed to update clients on emerging consumer trends. His knowledge of consumer preferences increases monthly as ARG conducts thousands of new interviews.
His work has been cited in the media including The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Investor�s Business Daily, CNN, Fox News, Fox Business News, and many others.
He is the author of
PREDATORY MARKETING, a book on strategic marketing. His second
book, IT
TAKES A PROPHET TO MAKE A PROFIT, is about emerging trends of the
millennium. The Customer Rules, out September, 2008, details how customer focused businesses win.
Britt Beemer�s expertise covers each phase of survey research including questionnaire design, sample construction, and data analysis, but especially interpretation. He serves as the senior director of research at America�s Research Group, where he personally reviews all research and prepares and presents each strategic marketing plan.