Twelve Financial Factors That Cause Consumers to Postpone or Cancel a Major Purchase ($1,000 or more). | ||
Reason for Response | Percent to Postpone or Cancel | |
1. | (Tied) You owe the IRS. | 52.5 |
2. | (Tied) Your parent(s) need special medical care. | 52.5 |
3. | You just learned your house has termites and needs repairs. | 49.3 |
4. | Your spouse requires diagnostic tests at the hospital, necessitating out-of pocket payment to cover the insurance deductible. | 41.6 |
5. | Your roof leaks and needs minor repair. | 40.5 |
6. | You need new tires for your car. | 39.8 |
7. | There are rumors about more job cuts at work. | 36.5 |
8. | You made an error in your checkbook and have less money in your account than you thought. | 36.3 |
9. | Your credit cards are at their limit. | 36.1 |
10. | You need major dental work. | 33.7 |
11. | Your family pet requires expensive veterinary treatment. | 33.3 |
12. | Your child needs braces on his teeth. | 31.5 |
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