Trends & Observations

A collection of white papers and other research results written by Britt Beemer, Chairman of America's Research Group. The topics cover emerging trends of the U.S. population and are of interest to business leaders of all industries.

Britt Beemer's White Papers

White papers are useful for businesses corporate decision makers, retailers, and marketers who are interested in branding, increasing sales, advertising, and other strategic marketing do's and don'ts.

Loyalty Study Of 50 Brand Products -How loyal is your customer? In this survey, customers rate their loyalty to different products including everything from apparel, automobiles, coffee, hair products, ice cream, major appliances, shoes, soft drinks to televisions and tires. See how loyal your customer is�

Consumer Mind Readers ™ Learn how your customers think, what is important to them, and what trends are influencing their shopping habits. MindReaders look at forces impacting shopping behavior and buying preferences through bi-monthly national surveys of shoppers. MindReaders cover many topics including: How Teenagers are influenced by Advertising, 25 things store appearances tell your customers, Top 10 concerns of American Parents, and many more.

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