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  • Americans Are Extremely Optimist About The Future

    Nearly seventy percent, 69.9%, believe they are secure at work and will not experience any cut backs in hours nor are at risk of losing their jobs. Only 12.8% have any fears of losing their jobs or getting fewer hours this year. One-third, 32.5%, see companies adding employees while 20.4% believe there may be some reduction in staffing levels where they or their friends work.

    College graduates will like to hear that 65.2% believe college graduates will be excited about job opportunities where only 34.8% believe graduates should be worried about their chances of finding work.

    "These numbers suggest an America that is very hopeful about job prospects and not too worried about their own circumstances. This optimism was evident with strong sales in February and good sales so far this March." Beemer said.

    This survey was conducted March 8, 2005 to March 10, 2005 with 1,001 completed interviews and has an error factory of +/- 4.3%.