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NEW RESEARCH SHOWS RECORD NUMBERS WILL SPEND LESS ON HOLIDAY SHOPPING Preliminary Shopping Forecast Is Dismal AMERICANS FEARFUL FOR FINANCIAL FUTURE PLAN LOWEST NUMBER OF BIG PURCHASES IN 20 YEARS NEW POLL BY ARG & UBS More Americans believe that they are worse off financially today than they were one year ago. SOME SHOPPERS COME BACK, BUT AVOID MAJOR PURCHASES By Britt Beemer BACK-TO-SCHOOL SALES WEAKEN AS PARENTS FEEL MONEY PINCH, TAKE CONTROL OF CHILDREN'S SPENDING Early predictions of strong back-to-school sales are now in doubt due to parents planning to spend less this year compared to 2 $3-PER-GALLON GASOLINE WILL PUT DAMPER ON CONSUMER SPENDING: NEW RESEARCH BY THE BEEMER REPORT.COM American consumers say they will be forced to cut back on discretionary spending as soon as gas prices reach $3 a gallon. AMERICAN CONSUMERS WILL NOT SPEND THE ECONOMY OUT OF RECESSION ANY TIME SOON: BRITT BEEMER NEW RESEARCH Consumers are Found to be Hesitant, Budget Conscious, and Unenthusiastic CONSUMERS SHUN MAJOR PURCHASES TO SPRUCE UP AROUND THE HOUSE By Britt Beemer GLOBAL WARMING: SKEPTICS OUTNUMBER BELIEVERS, BEEMER REPORT.COM The numbers of believers that global warming is "real and present" has fallen in the past year. SUMMER VACATIONS AND ENTERTAINING WILL PLUMMET WHEN GASOLINE HITS $3 - SAYS BEEMER REPORT.COM Americans expect to spend less this summer on vacations and entertaining even before gasoline reaches $3 a gallon. CONSUMERS SHOPPING MORE, SPENDING MORE - BUT STILL WORKING ON CUTTING DOWN THOSE DEBTS: NEW CONSUMER SURVEY Consumers opened up their pocket books in February with more shoppers going to more stores. PRESIDENT�S DAY MAKES FEBRUARY A RETAIL WINNER Bolstered by strong President�s Day weekend sales promotions, America�s retail community finally began to see a turnaround in RETAIL SECTOR FACING LACKLUSTER SALES IN JANUARY PREDICTS BRITT BEEMER BASED ON NEW ARG/UBS SURVEY Consumers spending in January promises to be flat or up only slightly. WAL-MART TOPS LIST OF 2009 RETAIL WINNERS AS FRUSTRATED SHOPPERS CAN'T FIND DEEP DISCOUNTS SANTA SLOWED BY BAD WEATHER IN ALMOST HALF THE COUNTRY CHRISTMAS SPIRIT COMPROMISED BY WARS, FINANCIAL FACTORS, 'BAH HUMBUG' ATTITUDE AT STORES, SAY MAJORITY OF AMERICANS NEW SURVEY NEW SURVEY ON 'BEEMER REPORT.COM' EARLY MEMORIAL DAY DOOMS JUNE SALES Dismal retail sales for June should not come as a surprise to anyone. PARENTS FAILING TO SPEND FOR BACK-TO-SCHOOL; STUDENTS HAVE LESS INFLUENCE ON BUYING Back-to-school spending will be a minor blip on the radar screen for retailers this year DISCRETIONARY SPENDING BY CONSUMERS AT LOWEST LEVEL IN 30 YEARS: NEW SURVEY A new survey uncovered a lack of discretionary spending currently in America RETAIL IN FREE FALL AS CONSUMERS HUNKER DOWN Consumers are universally tightening their belts and eliminating virtually all discretionary spending, RETAIL ANALYST BRITT BEEMER: AMERICAN CONSUMERS HUNKERED DOWN, BRACING FOR A DEPRESSION Second America�s Research Group/UBS 2009 Consumer Mind Reader � Survey AMERICA�S RETAILERS FACE GRIM 2009 AFTER CHRISTMAS TRAIN WRECK The busiest buying season of the year was a bust. WAL-MART ONLY RETAIL WINNER THIS BLEAK CHRISTMAS SHOPPING SEASON Several Prominent Retailers "in Trouble" Following Lackluster Shopping Weekend: Sixth America's Research Group/UBS 2008 Christ WAL-MART DOMINATES CHRISTMAS SHOPPING: BRITT BEEMER RAISES HIS FORECAST AS A RESULT Two Thirds of American Consumers Shopped at Wal-Mart Last Week: Fifth America's Research Group/UBS 2008 Christmas Survey SANTA�S PACK GETS LIGHTER AS CONSUMERS SPEND LESS AT FEWER RETAILERS THIS CHRISTMAS; WAL-MART THE ONLY WINNER Fear of Job Loss Major Factor According to Fourth America�s Research Group/UBS 2008 Christmas Survey BRITT BEEMER LOWERS CHRISTMAS 2008 RETAIL FORECAST TO DISMAL MINUS 3.5 PERCENT New America�s Research Group/UBS 2008 Christmas Survey Reveals Frugal Black Friday Shopper GAS PRICES TAKE THEIR TOLL ON RETAILERS By: Britt Beemer DISCOUNT STORE SHOPPERS SET NEW RECORD by: Britt Beemer MANY RETAILERS IN A FREE FALL AFTER DISAPPOINTING CHRISTMAS SEASON - By Britt Beemer Many of the nation�s retailers are now faced with the daunting task of how to lure customers back to their stores. Dumb And Dumber Christmas 2003 saw the incredible rise of gift cards to the point where almost half of all American families, 48.7%, gave a gift Seven Things Your Store's Appearance Tells Your Customers Read Britt's recent article from HQ Trade Magazine. Learn what your store tells your customers - whether you realize it or not. Beemer Lowers Christmas Sales Projection to 4.2% Increase This Year Compared To His Earlier 4.8% Sales Increase Thanksgiving Weekend Shopping Highlights Curious to know how consumers and retailers fared over the all-important shopping weekend after Thanksgiving? ARG's got the scoo Rush Limbaugh Survey America's Research Group surveyed about Rush Limbaugh listeners to see if they will remain loyal AMERICA'S RESEARCH GROUP�S TWELVE POINTS OF CHRISTMAS: BRITT'S HOLIDAY PREDICTIONS Charleston, SC, November 7, 2003 -- America's Research Group, one of the country�s leading consumer research firms, today releas AMERICA'S RESEARCH GROUP SAYS INTERNET SHOPPING, MUSIC STORE SALES UP CHARLESTON, SC � September 15, 2003 -- A new national survey shows that Internet shopping doubled from last August -- both in Furniture Leads All Categories For Shopping Levels Over Labor Day Weekend Labor Day weekend shopping was extremely strong, exceeding last year by 6.1%. New Survey Finds Consumer Confidence in Martha Stewart Drops Sharply Since Indictment A new survey finds that consumers said they are less likely to buy Martha Stewart brand products due to her recent indictment. SHOPPING IS NOT A BIG PRIORITY FOR MANY AMERICANS As war with Iraq loomed on the horizon in the spring of 2003, the stock market was clearly jittery. And so were most Americans. TRAVEL, CARS AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS Family vacations, automobiles and improvements are consumers� top picks for 2003 The Incredible Shrinking Customer Base As I travel around the country working with America�s retailers, I hear the same complaint over and over again. Their customer b WEAKER THAN EXPECTED SHOPPING LEVELS WITH ONLY TWO WEEKENDS TO GO BEFORE CHRISTMAS With two shopping weekends left before Christmas, are consumers meeting retailer expectations? WHERE HAVE ALL THE SHOPPERS GONE? Britt Beemer discusses what the retail industry can expect from the upcoming year. Will shoppers return to spend again? BRITT BEEMER RAISES CHRISTMAS RETAIL FORECAST TO MINUS 1.2% AS SANTA FINDS SOME GOOD CHEER IN ELECTRONICS NEW CHRISTMAS RETAIL SURVEY BY ARG AND UBS DISCOUNT STORES TRIUMPH ON BLACK FRIDAY AS SHOPPERS FOCUSED ON EARLY-BIRD SPECIALS, New ARG/UBS Survey Reveals WEAK RETAIL SALES OVER THE WEEKEND COULD FORETELL REPEAT OF LAST YEAR'S MELTDOWN: NEW CHRISTMAS RETAIL SURVEY BY ARG AND UBS |