Dancing With The Stars Audience Wants To See Ballroom Dancing Added To Middle/High School P.E. Classes Based upon a new consumer survey of 1,000 adults, nearly three in four who watched this TV program now want to see ballroom dancing added to the physical education program in either middle school or high school. This consumer shift of attitude is the biggest we have ever identified at America’s Research Group, according to Britt Beemer, Chairman and Founder. Last July, we interviewed 1,000 consumers and asked this same question and only 18.5% wanted to see ballroom dancing added to their local middle/high school physical education program. We’re talking about 74.1% of that show’s audience now in favor of that idea. This is a 400% change in attitude. It is dramatic to say the least. It just shows the power of TV to educate America. Our research has suggested that 73% of Americans are educated through TV advertising, and this is simply a reflection of TV’s power to shift consumer attitudes. Over one in four Americans watched “Dancing With The Stars” during its short six week viewing time. TV remains an incredible force in giving Americans a new or different perspective. Survey of 1,000 adults conducted July 8, 2005 to July 11, 2005. This study has an error factor of +/- 4.3%. |