America's Research Group has interviewed more than three million American consumers
about their shopping habits. Bi-monthly national surveys of shoppers between the
ages of 20 - 59 (the principle spending segment), identify new and emerging buying
trends and shifts in consumer spending habits. Practically every category of retailing
has been explored.
Explore our market research results below. Mind
Readers� are bi-monthly national surveys of shoppers. Find out the hows
and whys behind a sale made or a sale lost. Topics include:
- Twenty-Five Things Store Appearances Tell Your Customer
- Top Advertising
- Ten Reasons for Weak Retail Sales
Here to see topics and read Mind Readers�
Consumer Mind Reader� Bi-Monthly Data America�s Research Group conducts a national study of 1,000 consumers in the general population every other month to determine shopping trends in 18 retail shopping categories. This information is displayed by month, percentage of population shopped and per capita spending in each category. The data dates back to May 2000.
Review Consumer Mind Reader data.
White Papers Papers written by Britt
Beemer analyzing consumer research and survey results. These white papers include
marketing strategies and marketing "do's and don'ts." Topics include:
- When is the right time to change the corporate marketing direction?
- How
Effective Is My Advertising?
- Why Brands Are Needed To Drive Store Traffic
Here to explore topics and read White Papers. Furniture Buying Index
The Furniture Buying Index is a report researching the shopping and buying trends
of consumers purchasing furniture. Updated monthly! Click
Here explore the Furniture Buying Index. Brand Loyalty Study
A survey that rates customer loyalty to different products including everything
from apparel to soft drinks and tires. Does your product influence customer loyalty?
How loyal is your customer? See survey... Sign
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