SANTA�S SNOOZING WITH ONLY SIX MORE SHOPPING DAYS TO GO Christmas Sales Forecast Raised to 3.3% Gain In Anticipation of Final Rush to Stores CHRISTMAS SHOPPING UP SLIGHTLY WITH ONLY ONE FULL WEEKEND TO GO Wal-Mart Keeps an Early Lead as Shoppers Go To Fewer Stores - Christmas Eve Promises to be a Busy Shopping Day for 36% of Americ Christmas 2005 Is The Ghost Of Christmas 2004 D�j� vu? Christmas 2005 looking a lot like Christmas 2004. NATIONAL CHRISTMAS FORECAST 2005 HISTORICAL COMPARATIVE FOLLOW-UP DECEMBER 8, 2002/DECEMBER 5, 2004 �Cyber Monday� More A Marketing Ploy Than Reality Research casts doubt concerning online shoppers the Monday after Thanksgiving. CONSUMERS BECOME DO-IT-YOURSELFERS IN OCTOBER Cost-conscious consumers focused on do-it-yourself projects and delayed most discretionary retail spending in October. AMERICAN SHOPPERS LOVED THE EARLY BARGAINS ON THE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING � BUT THEY WERE FINISHED BY NOON Some Retailers Could Experience Holiday Chills,According to Survey of Weekend Shoppers by America�s Research Group 'Tis the season to shop Retailers and analysts are polishing their crystal balls, intent on divining what will entice shoppers in an intensely competiti BACK-TO-SCHOOL DOMINATES AUGUST RETAIL SHOPPING Shoppers in August were focused on back-to-school needs and little else. Dancing With The Stars Audience Wants To See Ballroom Dancing Added To Middle/High School P.E. Classes This consumer shift of attitude is the biggest we have ever identified at America�s Research Group Retailers Will Need To Do More For This Back-To-School Season BARGAIN HUNTERS DRIVE JUNE SHOPPING Retailers of discounted merchandise flourished during June, while full-price stores suffered in the summer heat Real ladies' man gets into the minds of shoppers Interview with Britt Beemer: When shoppers speak, C. Britt Beemer listens. And listens. And listens. DISCOUNT STORES RULE AS MOST POPULAR RETAIL STORES More than 88% of American shoppers still love making purchases at discount stores. Why Has Wal-Mart Become The Latest Target For The Big Fall Wal-Mart is clearly the number one retailer in America. So, why does great success generate such great disdain by the news media Dumb And Dumber Christmas 2003 saw the incredible rise of gift cards to the point where almost half of all American families, 48.7%, gave a gift Seven Things Your Store's Appearance Tells Your Customers Read Britt's recent article from HQ Trade Magazine. Learn what your store tells your customers - whether you realize it or not. Beemer Lowers Christmas Sales Projection to 4.2% Increase This Year Compared To His Earlier 4.8% Sales Increase Thanksgiving Weekend Shopping Highlights Curious to know how consumers and retailers fared over the all-important shopping weekend after Thanksgiving? ARG's got the scoo Rush Limbaugh Survey America's Research Group surveyed about Rush Limbaugh listeners to see if they will remain loyal AMERICA'S RESEARCH GROUP�S TWELVE POINTS OF CHRISTMAS: BRITT'S HOLIDAY PREDICTIONS Charleston, SC, November 7, 2003 -- America's Research Group, one of the country�s leading consumer research firms, today releas AMERICA'S RESEARCH GROUP SAYS INTERNET SHOPPING, MUSIC STORE SALES UP CHARLESTON, SC � September 15, 2003 -- A new national survey shows that Internet shopping doubled from last August -- both in Furniture Leads All Categories For Shopping Levels Over Labor Day Weekend Labor Day weekend shopping was extremely strong, exceeding last year by 6.1%. New Survey Finds Consumer Confidence in Martha Stewart Drops Sharply Since Indictment A new survey finds that consumers said they are less likely to buy Martha Stewart brand products due to her recent indictment. SHOPPING IS NOT A BIG PRIORITY FOR MANY AMERICANS As war with Iraq loomed on the horizon in the spring of 2003, the stock market was clearly jittery. And so were most Americans. TRAVEL, CARS AND HOME IMPROVEMENTS Family vacations, automobiles and improvements are consumers� top picks for 2003 The Incredible Shrinking Customer Base As I travel around the country working with America�s retailers, I hear the same complaint over and over again. Their customer b WEAKER THAN EXPECTED SHOPPING LEVELS WITH ONLY TWO WEEKENDS TO GO BEFORE CHRISTMAS With two shopping weekends left before Christmas, are consumers meeting retailer expectations? WHERE HAVE ALL THE SHOPPERS GONE? Britt Beemer discusses what the retail industry can expect from the upcoming year. Will shoppers return to spend again? |