--Weaker consumer confidence not impacting furniture shoppers--

Charleston, SC October 1, 2002 ---�The Furniture Buying Index is up one point this month to a reading of 85. The index has steadily increased over the year, despite lack of consumer confidence in other industries, to bring it up to 85 this month.

Britt Beemer, Chairman of America�s Research Group, cited, �while there has been so much discussion on a slowing economy, consumers have ignored these dire predictions and they are buying furniture for their homes at a consistent rate.�

�The prophets of doom do not understand the American consumer and why their furniture attitudes continue to improve.� Beemer answered this statement with, �consumers are spending more time at home with neighbors and are replacing worn out furniture at a surprising rate. Traffic for dining room furniture has been up almost 40% this year due to consumers wanting a fresh look in their dining room when neighbors and friends join them for weekend meals.�

The Furniture Buying Index is compiled each month by America's Research Group from interviews with 5,000-8,000 consumers across the country. In a typical month, 80 percent of the consumers interviewed can name a specific furniture item they intend to buy. The Index's mark signifies what percent of the benchmark 80% actually have a particular item in mind.

Britt Beemer is chairman of America's Research Group, a full-service consumer behavior research company based in Charleston, SC. ARG provides research and strategic planning services to leading manufacturers and retailers of consumer goods across North America.

For more information call:
C. Britt Beemer

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