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  • New Survey Finds Consumer Confidence in Martha Stewart Drops Sharply Since Indictment

    Charleston, SC � July 22, 2003 � New Survey Finds Consumer Confidence in Martha Stewart Drops Sharply Since Indictment

    Who: Acclaimed consumer researcher Britt Beemer of America�s Research Group

    What: New survey of 1,000 people, conducted July 5-7

    When: Survey released July 22, 2003

    • A new survey finds that roughly 30% (28.6%) of consumers said they are less likely to buy Martha Stewart brand products due to her recent indictment.
    • This number has almost doubled since last year, when news of the scandal first broke. (July 02 - 17.8%; Sept. 02 - 16.7%; Nov. 02 - 17.1%)
    • To quantify, �Once 40% of Americans say they won�t buy your product, it�s over, you�re done,� says Britt Beemer.
    • �Martha Stewart the brand has been damaged, but has it been destroyed? That remains to be seen.� Beemer adds.

    For the complete survey or to interview Britt Beemer, contact:
    Pfund + Fleck, 212.481.7900

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