--Annual America�s Research Group Survey Also Shows America is Going Home This Thanksgiving Like Never Before

Fear about the future of the American war with Afghanistan, terrorism, and a recessionary economy will insure that this holiday season will be the biggest no-profit Christmas for retailers in a decade, predicts Britt Beemer, founder and chairman of America�s Research Group. Beemer is projecting a 3.2% drop in holiday sales this season, on a comparative store basis. In the research firm�s annual survey of consumer�s holiday shopping plans, Beemer also noted that nearly 80% of Americans plan to be with family this Thanksgiving (normally that figure is 68.1%), and 70% of traveling Americans (one in three) say they will be going home by car rather than plane.

�This all-important retail shopping season had too many obstacles,� say Beemer, who has predicted the last seven selling seasons within a .5% level. �If retailers don�t win the shopping wars on Thanksgiving weekend, they can write off the entire Christmas season,� he warns. Luxury retailers will most likely suffer the most. This Christmas families are buying for the same number of people, but expect to spend $759.66 compared to $828.17 last year. There is a 20% decline at the upper end of families planning to spend over $1,000 (14.3%, down from 18.0%). The survey of more than 1,000 consumers, was conducted by America�s Research Group over a two-day period (October 27 and 28), with an error factor of plus/minus 4.3%. Other factors affecting holiday retail sales include:
  • Concerns about the future was a huge contributing factor by 15.3% (up considerably from last year�s 6.5%), while fear of losing jobs also rose dramatically to 14.2% (another big jump from 0.4% in 2000)
  • More shoppers (41.3%, up from 25.4%) plan to give gift certificates this Christmas and 31.4% plan to give cash versus 23.4% last Christmas�the reason cited was the promise of bigger savings during after-Christmas sales for the recipients
  • Again major discounters such as Wal-Mart, Kmart and Target will see more shoppers than ever with 53.1% planning to shop these stores (up from 31.6% last year)
  • On-line shopping will increase from 14.4% to 18.4% with families expecting to spend $246.15 in 2001, compared to $200.32 last season
  • Less shopping will be done at enclosed malls this year with 30.6% saying less and only 17.7% saying more, a ratio of 2 to 1 on the negative side. A year ago, 22.1% said less and 18.1 said more which had a very narrow range. Additionally 21.2 % say they will avoid malls if possible due to the recent Anthrax scare
  • Retailers need to be aware that 61.9% of Americans intend to shop at stores giving a portion of their profits to victims of the September 11th attacks
  • Over half of the consumers surveyed said they will be looking for �Made in America� products this Christmas
  • Giving $20 or more to charity will rise from 35.9% to 42.6%
  • Consumers expect to complete their holiday shopping much earlier this year with 60% intending to finish by December 15th, compared to 47.3% last year
  • Churches/synagogues will be more crowded with 51.2% saying they will attend more religious services this Christmas
  • 20.5% say they will be going to fewer Christmas parties this year

�Any retailer waiting to advertise a 50% off sale a week before Christmas will find there will be few shoppers at their retail funeral,� declares Beemer.

Top 7 Retail Categories in 2001:     Top 7 Retail Categories in 2000:    
Toys 36.6%    Toys 34.5%
Children�s clothes 28.5%    Children�s clothes 23.0%
Men�s clothes 23.4%    Women�s clothes 21.6%
Jewelry 21.9%    Sporting Goods 21.1%
Women�s clothes 20.4%    Video Games 18.7%
Sporting goods 16.1%    Men's Clothes 17.1%
Perfume/cologne 16.1%    Jewelry 16.3%

TOP SEVEN TOYS 2001:     TOP SEVEN TOYS 2000:    
Toy cars and trucks 28.2%   Nintendo/Play Station 20.9%
Nintendo/Play Station 25.2%   Computer games 23.0%
Barbie dolls 22.2%   Barbie dolls 20.9%
Bicycle 19.7%   Doll babies 18.8%
Hand-held games 15.0%   Action figures 17.7%
Board games 13.7%   Toy cars and trucks 16.6%
Doll babies 13.2%   Board games 11.2%

Britt Beemer is available for interview.Selected questions from the survey are available upon resquest.

America�s Research Group, Ltd. (ARG), is a full service consumer behavior survey research company with more than 22 years experience. ARG has interviewed more than 4 million consumers. Utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research, the firm works with clients to develop practical and successful marketing strategies for pace-setting companies in the fields of home furnishings, appliance and electronics retailing, banking and finance, automobile dealers, department stores, specialty and mass merchants. Clients include Sealy Mattress, Kohl�s Department Stores, IKEA, Barnes & Noble, AT&T; Wireless, Eckerd Drugs, Broyhill Furniture, Thomasville Furniture, American Eagle Outfitters and many others.

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