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  • Martha Stewart: America’s Latest Comeback Story

    In a survey conducted March 8, 2005 to March 10, 2005, 1001 consumers were asked whether most people will forgive Martha Stewart and our research shows 77.2% believe most people will forgive her. Almost half, 48.3%, will watch Martha’s first major interview after serving her five-month sentence.

    Interestingly, 60.1% believe Martha Stewart will be more popular now than she was before all this happened to her.

    Martha Stewart products will sell well in the future, with 58.1% saying they would buy her products if they see what they like in the stores.

    America is still fairly divided on the severity of her sentence with 54.2% believing it was too harsh and 45.8% believing they were too lenient.

    Martha’s new TV show should also see strong ratings with 44.9% saying they would watch it if they were home at that time. Only 41.0% have ever watched her TV show in the past. Also, 57.4% believe she was singled out because of her celebrity status.

    Beemer said, "in January, America likes a comeback store and Martha Stewart has that opportunity in the coming months." Also he said, "Martha needs to show regret and act like she wants to get on with her life and not angry about what has happened."

    This survey was conducted March 8, 2005 to March 10, 2005 with 1,001 completed interviews and has an error factory of +/- 4.3%.