Mind Readers Archive
Financial Factors That Cause Consumers to Postpone or Cancel a Major Purchase
Consumers decide everyday whether to spend their hard-earned money or to keep it. What factors influence their decision to buy or not to buy? What financial factors cause customers to postpone or cancel a major purchase? ARG knows…
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Today's Technology That Americans Most Appreciate
Advancements in technology have brought us the microwave oven, the all-important television remote control, and adjustable thermostats for personal indoor comfort. Discover which technological advancements consumers appreciate the most. The answers might surprise you. Click Here for full article.
Top Advertising Turnoffs
Advertising is a necessary and useful evil in today's world. Consumers are bombarded with advertisements on television, radio, print, billboards, and Internet media everyday. How can you get your message across without upsetting your audience? Read on to discover the top advertising turnoffs reported by consumers.
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What Employees Hate About Their Jobs
Disgruntled employees can affect the very foundation of an otherwise strong company. They deal with customers on a personal level everyday. Keeping employees satisfied and happy at work can trickle down to the customers. Learn what causes employees to hate their jobs and prevent problems before they have a chance to start.
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Ten Reasons for Weak Retail Sales
Read about the factors that determine whether consumers spend money or hold on to. Go beyond the numbers to the real reasons why consumers choose not to spend as anticipated. Click Here for full article.
25 Reasons Why Advertising Fails
You invested lots of time and money in what you thought was a fool proof advertising campaign. When the hard numbers came back, the campaign fell short of its goals. Consumers speak out on why advertising fails. Read on for the top 25 reasons.
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America's Ten Most Budget-Conscious Cities
Consumers are conscious of their budgets all across the United States. However, research has discovered that some regions and cities tend to hold on to their money a little tighter. Is your business in one of the ten most budget-conscious US cities? Knowledge is power. Find out what it takes for consumers in your area to loosen the purse strings. Click Here for full article.
America's Top Family Vacation Activities
With time away from work becoming more of a luxury, consumers have become choosy in how and where they choose to spend their vacation time. Learn how your consumers are spending their time away from work. Click Here for full article.
What Shoppers Dislike Most About Shopping
Most shoppers won't tolerate anything that wastes their time while shopping. It's too easy for them to visit a competitor. Learn what turns shoppers off and how to avoid sending your customers the wrong message. Click Here for full article.

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* These Mind Readers were compiled from research conducted in 1997


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