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  • Spirit of Nationalism Runs Strong In America

    Almost three-fourths, 73.6%, believe European leaders need to apologize to President Bush for the way they withheld support for the Iraq War. Only 26.4% believe the United States should apologize to the Europeans.

    Americans also feel that in five years America will be more respected at 52.2% rate, while only 14.3% believe America will be respected less.

    A large majority believes the United States should do whatever it takes to keep nuclear weapons out of Iraq’s hands, and 68.3% believe America should take the same approach towards North Korea and they should not have nuclear weapons. Two-thirds, 67.0% believe George Bush will have more influence because of his re-election.

    They believe America is doing better against terrorism with 38.5% believing we are winning the war against terrorism while a small 7.6% believe we are losing the war. Another 54.0% believe we are holding our own.

    And finally 57.0% believe we are safer today and 43.5% believe we are still vulnerable.

    This survey of 1,001 consumers was conducted on March 8, 2005 to March 10, 2005 with an error factor of +/- 4.3%