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    Family vacations, automobiles and improvements are consumers� top picks for 2003

    Five New Ways to Predict Consumer Spending
    What factors can predict consumer spending? What factors influence consumer spending? Read on for additional insight.

    How Adults and Teenagers Think People Will Make Purchases in the Year 2020
    Ever wondered how people expect to shop and make purchases in the future?

    How American Parents Rank Their Top Ten Concerns
    Parents want the best for their children and they are willing to do anything to provide it. Discover what parents' top ten conce

    How Americans Rank the Ten Most Important Uses of the Internet
    The Internet. Once a plaything for only the technically-blessed, now it is in nearly every home.

    How Consumers Rate Their Shopping Habits in 1997 Compared to Earlier Years
    Discover the motivations for why shoppers buy the items that they do.

    How Consumers Think the Drug Problem in America Should be Handled
    How does the American public want drug offenders punished? Dig deeper into how American consumers really feel about the American

    How Teenagers Are Influenced by Advertising
    Advertisers need to know what works and what doesn't when placing their products before such a discriminating population.

    The Loyalty American Consumers Have Towards Brand Products
    How loyal is your customer? In this survey, customers rate their loyalty to different products.

    Twenty-Five Things Store Appearances Tell Your Customer
    Your storefront is where customers deal with your business and products on a personal and intimate level. Make sure that you pai

    What the American Consumer Would Do if He or She Won $100,000
    As a business owner, it would be nice to know how your customers would choose to spend their winnings.