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    Charleston, SC November 1, 2010 – The Furniture Buying Index rose two points this month to a reading of 72. This matches the highest level the Index has experienced since November 2007.

    Britt Beemer, Chairman of America's Research Group, said, "Consumers are still dealing with worries about the economic condition of the country and are still concerned about their personal spending." "But, they were looking forward to the November 2nd election and the promises for change it held," he stated.

    "With the Republican victories across the United States, consumers are more positive about government leadership and about the economy in general," he concluded.

    The Furniture Buying Index is compiled each month by America's Research Group from interviews with 5,000-8,000 consumers across the country. In a typical month, 80 percent of the consumers interviewed can name a specific furniture item they intend to buy. The Index's mark signifies what percent of the benchmark 80% actually have a particular item in mind.

    Britt Beemer is chairman of America's Research Group, a full-service consumer behavior research company based in Charleston, SC. ARG provides research and strategic planning services to leading manufacturers and retailers of consumer goods across North America.