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  • Rush Limbaugh Survey

    In his latest survey of 1,000 consumers, Britt Beemer of America's Research Group asked several questions about Rush Limbaugh, finding for the most part, that Rush's listeners will remain loyal.

    "Over the years that Rush Limbaugh has been on the radio, he has only lost 5.9% of his total radio audience. Considering his strong held beliefs, maintaining 94.1% of his audience is truly a remarkable achievement," notes ARG Chairman Britt Beemer.

    "Among his current listening audience, only 2.6% will not listen to him after he returns from his self-imposed recovery period. Only 30.5% of his current radio audience believes this life experience will change him in any way. And of those who feel he will change, 37.9% believe he will be more open-minded and 22.4% believe he will have a broader outlook," Beemer adds.

    This survey was conducted by America�s Research Group on November 1st, 2nd and 3rd, 2003 and has a error factor of �4.3%

    For the complete survey, historical comparison or to interview Britt Beemer, contact Pfund + Fleck, 212.481.7900; [email protected]

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